Emaline turned TWO… a few weeks ago

At least I wasn’t a month late, just barely! Geesh.  This year I really felt the craziness of having a birthday close to Christmas.  Throw in a few stomach bugs,   Christmas concerts, and my first year working part time with kids and wow, I’m amazed we got it all done!! 

But our Emaline Noel turned two and we celebrated our girl, sickness and all!  We had grand plans of having a party with Mimi and papa and going to Christmas at the Zoo.  However, the night before Ems bday, while I was frantically making her cake (plus the dessert I stupidly volunteered to bring for Moira’s prek party) and finishing up a quiche for dinner, Liesel found herself sick in the bathroom. So our plans had to change, drastically. Praying this isn’t a new tradition as MJ fell sick the night before Emalines bday the previous year😬.  

Turns out a quiet day at home (with bonus kindergartener around all day) was just what we needed!  Emaline felt special and we could not be more in awe of how much our girl has changed in a year!!

Last year on her 1st birthday Emaline wasn’t pulling herself up,  walking or even truly crawling. She could say a few words that could easily be mistaken for random sounds (ma ma, da da, ba ba).  And she was as laid back and go with the flow as ever!  Eric and I basked in her ease.  She was a dream!! Slept more than 12 hours each night and seldom fussed.  We thought ” wow she may be the most laid back of all!!”

Fast forward a few months and all changed!!  Around 16months Emaline began taking real steps and that is when she became a whole new girl!  She quickly began trying to keep up with her sisters, but not in the same way Moira had with Liesel.  Emaline truly beats to her own drum.  And often that drum is found as far as her quick little legs can carry her😉. She keeps us on our toes, in the best possible way!  And boy does she have a sense of humor. Her silly faces and comments have all of us laughing around the dinner table. She sure is a joy!  

  Happy birthday to my sweet, spunky, hilarious, tender-hearted Emaline Noel!! Your daddy and I love you with all our heart and cannot wait to see what adventures you will take us on in year 3! 

Photo cred: Sdreeves Photography






And a side by side of all our girls at 2


Photo cred: sdreeves photography 

#2 Pancakes! 


Family Pictures 2015

I know I’ve said it over and over, but really Sdreeves Photography is amazing!!!  We have been truly blessed by their talents.   Here are some of my favorites from our most recent shoot with them in the fall. Let me know what you think!  And don’t hesitate to book Sdreeves for your next family photo session, they never disappoint!!


 The sisters 



Cherishing these 





And even a few of just us☺️ 


Lastly, a few pictures that sdreeves has taken of us through the years.   Wow, time flies!! 


Halloween Fun

The Statler girls definitely enjoyed Halloween this year, all three of them!   Since the public schools around here are not allowed (???) to really celebrate the holiday, I knew we had to make up for it at home.  I think we did a pretty good job:

Two trips to the pumpkin patch (well three including Ls field trip), hosting a pumpkin painting party with neighbors, lots of Halloween crafts, pumpkin baking, pumpkin carving and of course the big event “trick or treating”.  


As for costumes, that became a slight challenge.  Earlier this fall I fell in love with a cow costume idea for Emaline.  Wanting all three to match,I thought the older girls could be cowgirls!! Nothing better right?! I mean a cute polka dot cow with her cowgirl sisters (all decked out in tutus of course)😍😍😍. WRONG! Liesel and Moira were having none of this idea.  I even tried the “but you get to wear a pink cowgirl hat and boots” approach— nada. They can be tough.  

I quickly surrendered.  Some battles just aren’t worth a fight.  So, Liesel decided on a dancing ballerina and Moira, well, she had her heart set on something much more specific.  Yes, ms. MJ insisted on being a fairy-princess-mermaid-ballerina😂.  Points for creativity perhaps? 

Lucky for me Emaline is too young to have a say, so a polka dot cow for her🐮💗. Thanks to the girls cousin, Lydia, Liesel had inherited a beautiful ballerina dress.  I only had to add ribbon to her ballerina slippers to make them more “authentic”✔️.

Emalines cow costume was farely easy.  I used a long sleeved white onesie and ironed on black patches from hobby lobby.  

 For ears, I hot glued felt to a head ban.  

And of course, I couldn’t let my little Emaline escape without a tutu.  So using my Tutu template from previous years, I made her one out of white shimmery tulle. With her “milk” jug in hand she was ready!! 

Now for the fairy-princess-mermaid-ballerina.  I found a costume (with tulle of course!!!) on Pinterest.  It was very similar to last years Princess dresses. The entire dress took two nights worth of work, not bad.  A little wine helped too🍷.  

Thanks to hobby lobby and the dollar store, we added some wings and a crown. And voila-a fairy-princess-mermaid ballerina was born! 


We had a fabulous Halloween night. The rain held off and we enjoyed my homemade Chili before the girls headed out for trick or treating.  We ended the night with some Pumpkin Pie while watching Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin! Another great Halloween for the Statlers🎃👻 


Apple Breakfast Bars

One of the hardest meals these days is breakfast!! Getting three girls up+dressed+packed for school + fed+bathroomed and out the door ONTIME is quite the feat! I feel that some days I am amazed we got anything done😅. Breakfast is so important.  Especially since Liesel only gets lunch and zero (that’s right 0) snacks at school!!  

I wish I had it all together and was cooking them eggs or making them porridge (what the girls call steel cuts) everyday.  But, let’s be honest, some days there.just.isnt.enough.time.  So when I came across an amazing recipe for protein packed and zero refined sugar-filled bars I was ecstatic! 

I whipped them up Sunday evening once the girls were in bed and they were cooked and ready to go in the am🙌. The girls loved them (well 2/3)-Moira ate them but then said “these are not my favwite.  Tomorrow I want granola again.”   Liesel however reported “those were amazing!!”  The bars lasted the whole week and made for one happy (and less drained) momma!!



* 3/4c skim milk

* 1/2c peanut butter

* 1 tsp vanilla 

* 1/4c applesauce 

* 1/4c honey

* 1c grated Apple (squeeze water out)

* 1 egg

* 1.5c rolled oats

* 1/4c white whole wheat flour

* 1 tsp baking soda

* 1 tsp cinnamon 

Mix the first seven ingredients in a mixing bowl until blended.  Add the remaining ingredients and stir until just moistened.   


Spoon into a 9×9 pan and cook at 350 for about 30 minutes.  Or until golden brown on the top.

Allow bars to cool completely before cutting and eating. 

I hope they make your mornings easier too!!

Fall Days

Now that both Moira and Liesel are in school, we are officially a family with school days.  The worst part is that school days are more common than home days😭. It has definitely been an adjustment for us all!

Just before Labor Day, Moira had her first day of preschool.  Since signing her up last February, Moira has been dreading this day.   Much different from Liesels first day two years ago.  Moira is my Momma girl/ home body.  I adore this about her.  She is also extremely cautious and a huge thinker and worrier.  The whole preschool thing had her “a little noivous” as she put it.  School was Liesels thing and I think she would have liked to keep it that way. However, we knew she would love it and she was more than ready to start.   After a few short tears on her first day she was off! And I’m happy to report she LOVED every minute!  She talks to us often about her best friends and can recount her entire days back to us without hesitation!  What a joy it has been to see her blossom into a big preschooler! 

 And here we are in October.  School is our new norm.  Although I miss the old days, more than I could express,  we are cruising along and getting in a new groove.  Lunches packed each night, outfits laid out on the dresser, morning walks to the bus followed by preschool drop off with only two littles in tow…life sure changes fast!  
But despite all the changes, we still have been able enjoy our favorite fall pastimes!  

Apple picking at Tuttles Orchard 


Hayrides+games +pumpkins at Stoneycreek Farms  

Lots of fall baking

And our annual autumn trip to Michgan 


I’m sure we will still squeeze in a few more trips to the orchard, as well as hit up Conner Prairier and the Children’s Museum before the season commences.   What are some of your fall must dos? Id love to add them to our list!!   


20 Months

Its been a while since I wrote one of these.  But with all the changes miss Em has been making lately, I thought it’d be fun!  I cannot believe my baby is 20 months already?!!  It is crazy to think when Liesel was 20months I had a second baby already and when Moira was this age we were just weeks away from having our third!  Let me tell you, it is nice to be able to soak in this age and not rush it by.

Emaline has absolutely come into her own. She is no longer my laid back, go with the flow, quiet baby.  She is a force to be reckoned with!  Ordering her sisters around, talking constantly (and always at volume 10!!!), singing, running anywhere and everywhere (except in the direction I want her to go😬).  Yes, this age is a blessing, but oh so tiring🏃🏃😅😅.    

Emaline has officially become a member of the sister room and sleeps in there most nights, however she still naps in our guest room.  But she hates to be away from her sisters and anytime we attempt to put her down in “the other” room she points and demands this room, this room while looking at the girls room.   


Another big change for Emaline is that she has upgraded to a booster seat.  We have said goodbye to the high chair for the first time in 5years.  And wow, the room we now have!! 

  She is also starting to master utensil use! 

As for sleep, Emaline continues to be my best sleeper.  Going in around 8pm and sleeping until 8am or later (we usually have to wake her up to catch Liesels bus at 8:30).  Naps are a breeze and she sleeps for 2-3hours (again we wake her to get the bus).  

But perhaps her greatest change this past summer has been her love for the water.  Back in early June anytime she would be sprayed by anything other than warm bath water she would cry and cry.  This was shocking to us as both our other girls were pool babies since birth!  This phase didn’t last long, she is now a little fish!! Jumping in the water with her floaties  on, putting her face under water and running through the sprinkler park. 

  Our summer at the pool was definitely a success!!

And lastly, this past month we have seen the bond between all three girls really take form!  Liesel and Moira have their own little club it seems, but now that Emaline is beginning to be old enough to play, they are including her much more.  I know this will only grow, especially between MJ and Em now that Liesel is in school.   

And of course a 20mth comparison picture😊 


Choosing Joy

This entire summer the kindergarten cloud has been looming over all of our heads.  I know it’s happening and I know there is nothing I can do about it!  So, I’ve decided to embrace it ( I know less than two weeks away…it’s about time).  But I want to be excited about it, and that is why I’m choosing joy! 

Joy that we have raised a little baby who has grown into a little girl more than ready for school!  This next stage will be a huge change for our family.  We will exchange our lazy go with the flow days for a schedule that involves bus riding, teacher conferences and afternoon homework.  But we will embrace it with a smile and enjoy every minute!   

Kindergarten, we see you!  As desperately as I wish I could make you disappear, I know you won’t and I know it is our time! We are excited for a new teacher to adore. One who’s name we will all know and use daily.  We are excited for the new friends and families we will get to know and love.  And most importantly we are excited for the love of Christ we can pour out on to all those we meet this year! 

 School shopping has been done, bags are packed, and this girl is ready to go!  
Pure JOY!!! 


F I V E and Fabulous!

On Friday our Liesel girl turned 5, 5!!! In five short years this girl has changed our world for the better and we could not be more in love with her!

At 8lbs 13oz and after 28 hours of labor our Liesel Cosette was born on June 26, 2010.


It’s amazing how I look at these pictures and I can instantly remember kissing her soft newborn head for the first time.  I can almost smell her sweet baby smell.   

This year has been absolutely fabulous!!  I think the word for her fifth year would be mature.   Liesel matured into a five year old preschool graduate who is reading and ready for kindergarten!  There were a lot of changes she endured, challenges she faced, and love she poured out to everyone.   


We had such a blast celebrating our big girl!  Liesel had a special early ballerina beach birthday party in Michigan, surrounded by family.   


Her actual birthday began with a pancake breakfast, followed by a special day with Mimi and Papa at the Zoo and Butterly gardens, and ended with a surprise ice cream date!  


Every year gets better and better!  I’m sad to say goodbye to our four year old but I’m excited for this next year!! Kindergarten here we come!


Liesel’s 5th year interview…(4yr interview)

My favorite food is: Mac & Cheese (cringe)

When I grow up I want to be: a cheerleader, like Lydia

My favorite color is: rainbow color

The coolest person I know is: Drew B.

My favorite thing to do outside is: play in the pool

If I could go anywhere in the world I would go to: my cousins house

When I was little I used to: drink milk from a bottle

My best friend is: Evan

My favorite song is: Jesus loves me

My favorite thing to do with my sisters is: go to the park with them 

My favorite book is: Winnie the Pooh

My favorite movie is: Rapunzel 

What I’m most excited to do now that I’m 5: the monkey bars (hopefully without breaking her arm😉)


6 years!! This weekend marked our sixth year in Indy!  I really cannot believe it.

It’s been six years since these two newly weds packed up and left Ann Arbor, the only home we’d ever known.


Starting a new adventure in a brand new place, we had no idea all that God would have in store for us.  




An amazing job for Eric.  A church to call home. Many wonderful friends.  And welcoming our three beautiful daughters.  Gods blessings are endless!  

 Looking forward to all the adventures yet to come.
Indiana, you are our HOME! 

Summer To-Do’s

With the warm weather last week, I feel like we’ve stolen a few early summer days and it’s been wonderful! The kiddie pool has already made a permanent mark on our lawn and the smell of sunscreen has been detected on our girlies skin.  After-dinner walks have become the norm as well as park dates with friends.   


I want to soak up every minute.  This kindergarten thing has my emotions running wild (as you are well aware of) and I truly desire to maximize my days with the girls, for they are fleeting.  

Earlier today I had Liesel make a list of things she wants to do this summer.  With no help from me, here was her list 

 In case your aren’t fluent in 4 (almost 5!!!)year old English😉, I’ll give you her answers. Go to the beach, zoo, strawberry picking, lake, baseball game and water slide.   I decided to make a list of my to dos as well.  (Although Liesel did hit on many important ones.) This way we can check off the activities as we complete them and add new ones as we go along.  My list so far:

* Strawberry and Blueberry picking: at our favorite local farm, Spencer’s

*IMA 100 Acresis a park we haven’t visited since Liesel was a baby!  Excited for the girls to experience this attraction. 

* Indianapolis Zoo: a must do each summer.  The girls are already looking forward to their trip with Mimi and Papa!

* Hamilton 4 H fair: a free event that is wonderful with kids! Horse shows, cattle barns and more crafts than you could imagine.

* Monon Water Parkwe have been waiting until the girls were old enough to try this out.  This year will be perfect, water slides (checking off Liesels list) and spray parks, lazy river… 

*Outdoor Concerts: we are so blessed to have many venues all over Hamilton county that put on *free* concerts. We are excited to make these evening concerts a priority this year!

*Indians Game: we have a fabulous minor league team and stadium in downtown Indy and although we missed the games last year, we will be going at least once this year! 

* Indiana State Fair:  and of course we will wrap up the summer with a trip (or two) to the state fair! 

We will also be taking our trips to Michigan and Wisconsin to visit friends and family (where we will check off the lake) as well as daily trips to our neighborhood pool and local parks/splash pads.  The summer always seems to fly by and I’m sure this one will be no different.  Let me know if you have any must dos for us to add to our list!  I can’t wait for all the fun in store!